Good news from the Doc!
After losing weight since his birthday, last week the doc ordered us
to feed him 3oz every 3 hours. More often than not, this wasn't enough to
satisfy him and we'd have to give him one or two more. This rule also
applied to night time. So right about the time Andrea would start
dreaming of a taller version of myself, and after I started dreaming
of owning a helicopter, retirement and when the kids were moved out,
we'd have to wake up and feed Cash.
Well not anymore! After gaining 6oz from last week, he's back to
9lbs. Doc was so impressed that she said we can let him sleep as long
as he'd like and feed him when he woke. I wasn't there to hear this
but I imagine Andrea like a scene from a movie where the actress hears
great news, they zoom in on her face with sunlight behind it as a
heavenly choir is harmoniously singing "Aaaaaahhhhhhh". That's just
So there you have it. The sleepless nights are over. It's been a
long two weeks but we made it. Should be smooth sailing from here on
out. Crawling next week, walking next month, potty training in a
couple months... I don't know what the big deal is, parenting is easy.
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