Monday, January 21, 2013

Major Wound #1

Monday, January 21. 5pm.

Cash reaches for remote on couch.
Cash grabs remote on couch.
Cash brings remote closer to Cash.
Cash drops remote.
Remote lands on toe.
Cash is cut.
Ointment applied.
Mom notices other injury.
Remote broke Cash's toe nail 75% off.
Cash's toes now resemble Dad's.
Bandaid applied.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fun With Snapseed

Downloaded a new recommended app for the iPad. Channeling my artistic side. Excuse me while I express myself. Roll Tide!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

9 Month Pics

Courtesy of Steph's Photography.  Sorry I'm late... but you should be accustomed to that by now.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fun with Camera+ 2

I figured the standard "bath" picture was long overdue.

What now, Jack in the Box?


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Game Changer

Cash with Aunt Kristin
With this picture we learn several things:
1.  Cash is tired.
2.  Cash finds either Kristin's scarf or this particular anatomical region very comfortable.
3.  Cash has significantly altered Jared and Kristin's 7 year plan for Baby Weston.  You're welcome.

Kyle and Shea bought us an iPad for Christmas.  I put it to good use.

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